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Scanning Add-Ons, such as borders, souped & sprockets etc 🥘Updated a month ago

Our scanning add-on options mean you can include lots of alternative options to our standard development. Please note that all scanning add-ons will add time to your order turnaround. Simply, just add to your basket when you place your development order 

For more information and the scanning options available please use this link.

  1. Sprocket scanning - On 35mm film we can scan the perforation/sprocket holes in the same frame as your exposure, this service is carried out on a Fuji SP3000 scanner.
  2. Panoramic scans (35mm or 120) - this option allows for Panoramic scans which are wider than normal scans. You will typically have a camera that deliberately shoots on panoramic format.
  3. Border scanning (120) this option is similar to sprocket-scanning, but for 120 film only - this can only be done on our Epson V850 flatbed scanner
  4. Souped film (35mm or 120) 

How do I prevent my film from getting light leaks?Please always make sure you fully wind your film back into the casing when you are finished shooting. Ensure the light seals on the back of your camera are intact and not wearing away.
If you have 120 film, ensure that it’s wrapped tightly and secured with tape or an elastic band to prevent it unraveling in transit.

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