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Our Scanning Options 📷Updated 2 months ago

When ordering development & scanning we offer four different resolutions which can be chosen from when ordering your development.

Scan Type 


File Size 

File Type 

Low Res

1512 x 1002 pixels

0-2 MB



3024 x 2005 pixels

4-7 MB



6774 x 4492 pixels

15-30 MB


Premium Tiff

6774 x 4492 pixels

70-100 MB


(these figures are correct for 35mm film)

1. Low Res --> Best for social media/photo albums!

Low-res scans are perfect for printing or displaying 6x4 inches - they will also work well on social media or websites where you need to keep loading speeds fast.

2. Standard --> Best for personal websites/zines/projects!

Standard scans will be absolutely fine for posting on social media, personal websites, emailing to friends/family, and for making prints up to size A4

3. Premium --> Best for exhibits / large prints!

Premium scans are bigger and can also be used for posting on websites that can accept larger files (and won't simply compress that back down like Instagram or Facebook) - and they can make prints up to size A3

4. Premium TIFF --> Best for home editors and professional display!

Premium TIFF scans are much bigger file sizes, so prepare for a longer download time and more computer memory needed! The bonus of this is that they contain much more information within the same number of pixels as the Premium JPEG scans, so you can edit them yourself (in Photoshop or similar) and get much better results with strong edits.

About TIFF

TIFF is a 'lossless' format, so hasn't had any compression applied by software before arriving in your inbox. It also means that even though the pixel resolution is the same as the Premium scan, you should be able to print slightly larger without loss of meaningful detail - up to size A2.

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